40 Years In the Making

LVI is proud to announce that DR. Bill Dickerson has published his book- Successful Happiness

Successful Happiness, written by prominent businessman and dentist Dr. William Dickerson, is a step-by-step guide to help everyone move toward greater happiness—in a simple and concise approach. Dickerson presents ten steps that will help you focus your life on time-tested, universal principles for a profoundly happy life.
These steps include:
• Identifying your passion-driven purpose
• Adjusting your attitude so that you can victoriously face all situations
• Controlling irrational fears that prevent success
• Persevering through hardships and obstacles
• Being humble and teachable
• Experiencing the joy of serving others in daily life


Writing about these steps and others with wit and personal transparency, Dickerson supports his writing with quotations from renowned writers, thinkers, and politicians throughout history. The book illuminates a sure—but often forgotten— pathway toward a more fulfilling life.

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